Tag Archives: health

Show 135 – March 21st

seApAdvocacyAngela was joined in the studio by Sarah Oakes (pictured here on the left) and Sarah Deason (on the right) from seAp Advoacy.  We learnt why they joined the charity and what “advocacy” really means and how they support and help people safeguard their rights.  Listen back to hear both Sarahs explain how seAp helps and also the news that with effect from 1st April 2016 there will be a new way to contact Advocacy services for adults in Kent.  If you are looking for help on PIP or ESA you may find their c-app really useful too.

If you wish to volunteer for this charity, do get in touch as they are always looking for volunteers.

Show 134 – March 14th

JackRavenBushcraftIf you went down in the woods today……….

Angela was delighted to meet Gary Johnston from Jack Raven Bushcraft and Jayne Dunsbee from Inspirational Changes.  Hear Angela’s interview with them about why Gary set up bushcrafting courses and is now an approved CPD provider of The Institute for Outdoor Learning.  Also we hear why Jayne and Gary have partnered together to provide a new offering, Nature Based Mindfulness retreats.  Gary and Jayne touch on the scientific benefits of Mindfulness practices as well as the benefits of being outdoors.  We hear about the wonderful tasty recipes that Gary’s partner, Nicola Clowes, produces (that have been compared to restaurant quality) for example, Hogweed Pakoras, Dandelion Bajis and Sag Aloo made from Stinging nettles and why stinging nettles are so much better for us than Spinach!

If you wish to book on one of their Nature Based Mindfulness retreat days (or weekend) hurry as places are limited.  Dates on offer are:

Saturday 14th May      or      Thursday 16th June     or 2 day = Sat – Sun 13th – 14th August 2016.

Book HERE to secure your place, you’ll have a great time with Gary, Nicola and Jayne.


Show 133 – March 7th

Wrinkly logo

Show special:

As you may remember, we were at the first Wrinkly Roadshow back in January at Allington Community Centre and captured a few interviews whilst we were there.  Have a listen to what the exhibitors and visitors thought of the event.  If you wish to exhibit or attend, there are many more tours of the Wrinkly Roadshow, just contact them via their website.

Featured exhibitors interviewed are:

Family Mosaic Home Improvement Agency – Heather Worton
Chosen with Care – Debbie Harris
Home Instead Senior Care – Mark Craig
Heart of Kent Hospice – Diane Beeching
– David Cummins

The Maidstone Flower Club – Cheryl
Kent Electronic Services – Les Cook
Valerie (Katie Ellis’ mum) TAL - CMYK Logo with registered mark


Show 132 – February 29th


Well we didn’t have any proposals on air – but we had a great time chatting with Gillian Smissen who is a Trustee for The Harmony Therapy Trust.  She told us how her daredevil antics caught the eye of the Trust who asked her to become more involved.  She also explains how the Trust operates and how listeners can get involved and raise funds to enable the charity to keep doing it’s great work.   Chris Pollard and Angela are seen holding their “Happiness Kits” as explained on the show.


Show 126 – January 18th


The lovely Liz Almond of Insightful Minds joined us in the studio clutching her new book “Are You Worth it? A Spiritual guide to managing your money mindset“.  She shared her story as to why she is now a healer’s healer and how she herself has come through many of life’s struggles both financially, mentally and physically.  In her book, she shares her wealth of knowledge to show the reader how they can change their life, see the richness in it and have a fulfilled and happy life without worrying what is in their bank account.


Pre-Order your copy now, directly from the author