Category Archives: February 2015

Show 95 – February 23rd

HerneBayBoccia (23Feb15)Today we aired the interviews with Sheila and Derek Appleton of Herne Bay Boccia (Disability Sports Club).  Hear what Boccia is, what inspired them to set up a club and how you may like to become involved.  They are also setting up a NEW Kent League, so follow their page to be kept up to date.



Show 94 – February 16th

Nicky Ratcliff + Tiffin (16Feb15)We were joined by the amazing Nicky Ratcliff, who runs her own Social Media Marketing Business, Virtually U, yet today her story focussed on events back in 2005 – the 7/7 London bombings which dear Nicky was caught up in.  Hear her heartfelt story and how rambling helped her cope with the aftermarth.  If you are interested in taking up rambling after hearing Nicky’s story here are the links that may help:  Ramblers GB and East Kent Walking Group.


Show 93 – February 9th

Restoring Health LogoWe were joined by Deborah Mc Nair, one of the team at Restoring Health who chatted with us about Soft Tissue Massage, tips on how to strenghten our inner core muscles as well as what the “Pain Cycle” is and how they work with clients.  Not only do they run a great business, their business model is that 51% of their profits go to charity!!  Awesome!

Deborah Mc Nair Studio

Show 92 – February 2nd

KerryMadgwickAnother fun and informative show with our Nutritional Therapist and Coach, Kerry Madgwick, who stood up throughout the whole show!  (she explains why on the show).  We chatted with her about nutrition in general, detoxing, or cleansing as she prefers to call it, supplements, caffeine, gluten free and much much more.