Show 128 – February 1st

MiriamMcGuirk_FebShowAngela finally got to meet the lovely Miriam McGuirk (and her wonderful husband and business partner, aka Super Hero), Chris Pollard .  During the show we hear how Miriam has gone from strength to strength since 2014.  We chatted about why she made the move to write ‘Shattered Dreams & Scorpions at Midnight, a search for sanctuary’ under her own name, how her husband Chris is such a key to her support, both with living with M.E. but also in her career as an author and what great things they are up to later in the year.  Alongside all of this, we learnt that there is the audio version of her  ‘Shattered Dreams & Scorpions at Midnight, a search for sanctuary’ due out in 2016.  Miriam is about to start writing Volume 2 in this Tales from Turkey series to be published by the end of this year too.  We also had great pleasure in announcing the winner of our #inspire book competition (you’ll have to listen back to know who 🙂 ).

It was an absolute pleasure to have her and Chris in the studio and Angela is hoping it won’t be another 2 years before we see them again.  You can purchase her books by clicking on the titles above or the picture under the player bar.
