Who Cares Wins Radio Show

Missed the show in 2015?

A List view of our shows from 2015. Click on the Show number to listen.

2013 <<<<<<<                      2014 <<<<<                  2015<<<<<<


Show 124 – December 21st Angela (and Santa DJ Ted) host a Christmas Wellbeing Show – with tips for wellbeing over Christmas and beyond. We also hear from Hazel Addley and Miriam McGuirk with their top tips. Also, a reminder to enter our competition to win Miriam’s 2 latest books (“Shattered Dreams and Scorpions at Midnight. “A Search for Sanctuary: Tales From Turkey Volume One” and “A Pocket of Inspiration”). All you have to do is let us know the quote or motto that inspires you or which you live by. Entries can be via: Twitter @careswins use #inspire; OR https://www.facebook.com/WhoCaresWinsRadioShow/ (post on our wall, starting you messge with Inspire; OR Email: studio[at]whocareswinsradio.co.uk with Subject heading “Inspire”. Good luck.

Show 123 – December 14th Simon Crooks and Kelly Duke, of Argo Life and Legacy, explain their philosophy of a holistic approach to providing information and advice for the older generations within our communities. They also introduce us to the “Wrinkly Roadshow” the first of which is on Wednesday 20th January 2016 at Allington Community Association, Castle Road, Allington, Maidstone, ME16 0PZ. Contact them if you wish to exhibit at one of their events.

Show 122 – December 7th The first of our ‘Wellbeing Symposium’ compilations of interviews captured at the event. The show contains part of Tanni Grey-Thompson‘s official talk and the accompanying Q&A, followed by Jan’s interview with Tanni where she talks to Jan about her family motto, her sporting achievements and work with Active UK, her pet beef with “illegal” parking in Blue Badge spaces, and….……. Jan poses the hardest question Tanni has ever been asked! This is then followed by Jan’s interview with Helena Conibear of the Alcohol Education Trust.


Show 121 – November 30th Jan was joined in the studio by Miles Allen who shared his story from early childhood hurdles, how depression led to him losing everything, to self-publishing his first book “The Walkers of Legend”. Miles has since achieved No1 ranking for Epic Fantasy on Amazon and headed the charts in Waterstones; knocking “The Hunger Games” from the top slot. Miles champions self-publishing and has a passion for helping others; earning him a reputation as a respected professional writing and self-publishing coach and editor of fiction and business books.

Show 120 – November 23rd Angela was joined in the studio by Shirley Palmer, who was over from L.A in the USA, to chat about the importance of gratitude to our health and wellbeing. Shirley also explained how she helps her clients find their real purpose in life. We had a great question via email to Shirley from Devon Buchanon in London, regarding what tools/methodologies Shirley would recommend to help engage with the process of change without it disrupting the paths of those we love.

Shirley also has a great book just released, “12 Words, Think it, Do it, Feel it” which you could WIN a free signed copy. Tune into the show before 30th November 2015 to hear how you can be in with a chance of winning a copy.

Show 119 – November 16th Kerry Hales returned to WCW today to give us an update on what she has been up to since her last appearance, including the challenges she has set herself (the 100 day Burpee), those she sets her clients (monthly Mojo) and more to come in 2016 (90 day “Get It Done”). As Kerry said herself, she is proactively raising her visibility and is now everywhere!

Show 118 – November 2nd We are delighted to be able to attend this year’s Wellbeing Symposium on 11th November 2015 at the Kent Event Centre, Deltling, Kent Showground. Miranda joined us in the studio to give us the low down on all the great speakers lined up plus some “hot off the press” news. Don’t forget you can get your discounted ticket if you quote the code Jan mentions during the show. See you there.

2015 – OCTOBER

Show 117 – October 12th Hear Derek Appleton (of Herne Bay Boccia) talk to Jan about his fantastic achievements as an Endurance Walker and Runner.


Show 116 – September 28th We were joined by Dr Sophie Shotter, founder of Illuminate Skin Clinics. It was a delight to hear Dr Sophie’s training in cosmetic medicine is extensive. She told us that this area in the UK is not very regulated and basic requirements to perform injectable treatments are minimal. However, her ethics have spurred her to go above and beyond to ensure she is offering her clients the best treatments available in a safe environment. Another award winner too, Dr Sophie shared a few top tips on skincare for all.

Show 115 – September 21st Yes, we were back live in the Channel Radio studio with another wonderful guest, the lovely Dee Stringer of Swelling Matters. She turned up in her bright and cheery car and then explained how she started her own business 15 months ago and has had huge successes with her clients, as well as winning 2 awards at the fantastic Health and Beauty Awards earlier this year. Dee explains what Lipedema and Lymphoedema are and how she can help with a variety of treatments in the privacy of her client’s own homes.

2015 – AUGUST

Show 114 – August 10th Nutritional Practitioner and Family Wellness Coach Deborah Mulvany of Shaping Wellness joined Jan in the studio today for a chat. You can follow Deborah on Twitter @Shapingwellness, contact her via her Facebook page, or visit her website.

Show 113 – August 3rd Well, after Angela had her little rant about car drivers, Jan shared some recent research on Sleep depravation and we shared tips on sleeping in this summer heatwave. Angela also explained a little about one of the tools she uses in her coaching and or team development work within organisations, Myers Briggs Type® Indicator (a Personality Preference Indicator). If you would like to know more Angela has provided a copy of the handout she uses on her courses via her website homepage. If you would like to have a 1:1 session to learn more about your preferences please contact Angela.

2015 – JULY

Show 112 – July 27th The original Who Cares Wins team of presenters were back in action today as Sue Parker joined us in the studio. We also had a phonecall from a great guy listening into our show from New York, USA plus more tweets and mentions. Thanks everyone for listening, tweeting, liking and interacting with our show. Sue Parker updated us on what she’s been working on plus she was modelling her Lion design T-Shirt for the Global White Lion Trust (which you can buy from their website shop).

Show 111 – July 20th Today’s show we focussed on our foundations – our feet! As well as it being Sir Edmund Hillary’s birthday and the day “we” landed on the Moon, we were able to chat with Jay Lall of The Kent Foot and Ankle Clinic about why she chose a career with feet. We quizzed her on the difference between a Chiropodist and a Podiatrist and she shared some great tips for looking after our feet during the summer and in general. We also explored the benefits/pitfalls of certain summer footwear (male and female) and when best to wear what. Finally we had some tips on exercising for our feet.  As she says, our feet take us everywhere so we need to look after them just like we do our teeth and eyes.
Show 110 – July 6th Barbara Seal who runs both The Wealden Hypnotherapy Practice and Hypnobambinos with her daughter Danielle, explained to us what Hypnobirthing is, how it can help make a real difference to labour and birth. She also highlighted how she integrates her Clinical Hypnotherapy toolkit across both her businesses. Barbara and Danielle run a variety of FREE 1 hour taster sessions in Kingshill, Kent which gives you the opportunity to explore what is involved in the 12 hour Hypnobirthing courses that they run in Staplehurst, Kent. If you wish to find out more, all the details can be found on their website. If you are pregnant, Congratulations and maybe consider talking to how Barbara and Danielle can help you enjoy the process of labour and bringing another life into this world. If you are further afield than Kent, Barbara can also help via Skype, alternatively you may wish to look for a local practitioner via the Hypnobirthing Association website, setup by Katharine Graves.

2015 – JUNE

Show 109 – June 29th We were joined in the studio by Andy (Business Development Manager) of NewMed Ltd to hear all about what NewMed offer and the great benefits of PEMF (Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field) Therapy. We heard how it came about, name dropping with NASA ! and how and why it helps people recover faster from injury/disease. Andy also explained how it can help many conditions, such as Insomnia, Fibromyalgia, Arthritus and other mobility limitations. They offer 2 week trials and all the devices are for use in the privacy of your own home. They also offer devices for horses and dogs, such a great drug free pain relief complimentary therapy.

Show 108 – June 22nd A jam packed show diary meant that our interview with Julie Dennis a few months ago had to wait until today to be aired. We chatted with Julie about Menopause, the common symptoms and the simple natural solutions she helps her clients look at. She also has a FREE report, ‘Menopause Mania to Menopause Magic‘, that our listeners can take. We also explored what exactly are Hormones and how do they affect our weight, body shape and energy levels. Julie gave us a few tips to consider with recognising the signs of hormone imbalance and what to do about them. There’s even a tip for our male listeners too!

Show 107 – June 15th Angela was joined in the studio by the lovely Daphne Henning of Leaves Inspired who shared her story of how she came to have a change of career and help people to change their lives for the better. We discussed the work of Pema Chodron, Martin Seligman and the wonderful website, Action for Happiness, all of which Daphne integrates in her work.

Show 106 – June 8th We were delighted to have Sabine Blackaby in the studio today to tell us all about the Feldenkrais® Method. Lots of information on what it is, who invented it and why and also how it helps so many people move better in their daily activities of life. Sabine offers both 1:1 lessons as well as group classes in Brighton and other areas of the UK. She also works with adults who may be looking at rehabilitation after injury or stroke. One other string to her bow, is she has undertaken Child’Space training in Amsterdam where she deepened her understanding of how to apply the theory of the Feldenkrais® Method to working with babies and their parents. She now offers courses for parents and their babies to observe and support their baby’s motor, speech, cognitive and social development in groups or 1:1 with babies and infants who may have developmental or neurological challenges.  As you will hear during the show, all Sabine’s contact details and lesson offerings are detailed on her Sabine Blackaby. If you are based further afield, do check out The Feldenkrais Guild UK for other practitioners and also take a look a their FREE “Awareness Through Movement” lessons which were made available during May 2015 for Feldenkrais Awareness week.

Show 105 – June 1st We were delighted to have Carol Macey back in the studio along with her colleague, Julia Robinson (journalist and copywriter) to hear Carol’s personal story of losing her son and how she now helps other bereaved mothers. Carol shared how, as a bereaved parent, you do eventually reach an in between point where life does seem worthwhile. She has also written a Blog message to bereaved parents where she shares this heartfelt message

“a bereaved heart does continue to beat and even feel great love and joy again”

Carol met Julia at a networking event and Julia is now helping Carol structure her story into book form, entitled “The spirit of Christopher” and we will post on here when it’s being launched for you to order.

2015 – MAY

Show 104 – May 18th Adrian Kearney of AK Pet Service joined us along with 6 other delightful guests, namely: Julia from Warren House Veterinary, Rochester, Kent, Prathayini, a qualified Vet from Alma Veterinary Hospital in Windsor and the wonderful dogs; Lizzie, Shale, Mai and Badger. We discussed all things wellbeing related to our pets and why, if we have rabbits as pets, we should ideally have more than 1! Please remember your local Veterinary practice is there for you before, during and after you take on one or many pets.

Show 103 – May 11th Angela was joined by Jo Royale, otherwise known on Facebook and Twitter as Effortless Jo. As you may remember last year, Jo rang into the show to tell us of her intention to travel the UK with the family in her “bus” and teach over 500 people “Effortless Meditation“. She had recently delivered another course in Whitstable, due to popular demand, and kindly stopped by to tell us how she was getting on, what the benefits of this type of meditation are and we also hear from some of those who have attended her courses, including her wonderful host and chauffeur, Amanda Thomas Acupuncture, also joined the fun in the studio and I’m sure we can get her back to talk more about her Acupuncture Business.

2015 – APRIL

Show 102 – April 27th On today’s show we chatted with Liz Almond, The Money Attraction Angel, about money mindsets, how to manifest more money, a short exercise for you to take part in and a whole lot more including her book which will be out later this year, “Are you worth it? – A spiritual guide to managing your money mindset”. Do visit Liz’s page to download her FREE Money Manifestation Workbook to help you understand how your perception of money may be making life difficult for you financially.

Show 101 – April 20th Angela and Jan were back in the studio today with another lovely guest Clara Gibson, Life, Health and Wellbeing Coach incorporating USANA Health Sciences Nutritional Supplements. Clara finds it fascinating that pretty much 100% of the world’s population would acknowledge that there would be some area of their health or life that they would like to improve, yet only between 1-3% take action to make a difference or get support to make change in their lives. She is passionate that the world will be a vastly different (better), more effective, kinder, healthier, happier place when all individuals wake up to the fact that they can make even tiny changes, which over time can generate huge benefits, not only for the individuals – but also for others who come into contact with them.

Show 100 – April 13th Angela had the pleasure of interviewing Dr Yehudi Gordon, a London Consultant Gynaecologist specialising in integrated holistic healthcare and Bio Identical Hormones. Hear him explain what Bio Identical Hormones are, how they help, their advantages plus his passion for an integrated holistic healthcare approach.

2015 – MARCH

Show 99 – March 30th Angela was joined in the studio by Simon Thorpe of The Expressions Partnership discussing the huge topic “Happiness”, what makes us happy, what we believe being happy means, what makes us unhappy and tips for us and the workplace on how to be happy and motivated. Hear how you can take a 14 Day Happiness Challenge for better Wellbeing.

Show 98 – March 16th A birthday party show – to celebrate 2 years of Who Cares Wins. Angela was joined in the studio by some very special party people. We giggled, shared updates, heard from Effortless Jo about her travels around the UK teaching Effortless Meditation and announced our great new sponsor, Kent Connexions. With their support we are featured in their quarterly magazine and on their website. We also munched on the fabulous birthday cake made for us by Nikki of Little Brown Fairy Cake. Big thanks to everyone who emailed, tweeted, commented on facebook, sent texts, sent cards – we couldn’t do it without you all. Here’s to many more years on Channel Radio.

Show 97 – March 9th Angela’s back from her Yoga Retreat in India and is joined in the studio by Sue Parker (past co-presenter of Who Cares Wins). Angela chats with Sue to find out what she’s been up to, both on her trip to South Africa recently, as well as her work as a professional artist and many more activities. We also had a brief chat over the phone with Jill Shaw-Ruddock, Founder and Chairman, The Second Half Foundation ( Reg 1141988) and Centre, telling us about her new book coming out on March 12th, entitled “The Second Half of Your Life” all about life for women after the menopause.

Show 96 – March 2nd Highlights from the Wellbeing Symposium 2014 with interviews from:  Steve Brown – GB Captain of WheelChair Rugby Team:  Sophie Cannon – Social Justice Commentator & Family Barrister:  Eleanor Mills – Editorial Director, The Sunday Times:  Simon Thorpe, Co-founder of The Expressions Partnership:  Brett Hill – Commercial Director, The Health Insurance Group (Lead Sponsor for Symposium):  Ben McGannan – Managing Director, Wellbeing People.


Show 95 – February 23rd Today we aired the interviews with Sheila and Derek Appleton of Herne Bay Boccia (Disability Sports Club). Hear what Boccia is, what inspired them to set up a club and how you may like to become involved. They are also setting up a NEW Kent League, so follow their page to be kept up to date.
Show 94 – February 16th We were joined by the amazing Nicky Ratcliff, who runs her own Social Media Marketing Business, Virtually U, yet today her story focussed on events back in 2005 – the 7/7 London bombings which dear Nicky was caught up in. Hear her heartfelt story and how rambling helped her cope with the aftermarth. If you are interested in taking up rambling after hearing Nicky’s story here are the links that may help: Ramblers GB and East Kent Walking Group.

Show 93 – February 9th We were joined by Deborah Mc Nair, one of the team at Restoring Health who chatted with us about Soft Tissue Massage, tips on how to strenghten our inner core muscles as well as what the “Pain Cycle” is and how they work with clients. Not only do they run a great business, their business model is that 51% of their profits go to charity!! Awesome!

Show 92 – February 2nd Another fun and informative show with our Nutritional Therapist and Coach, Kerry Madgwick, who stood up throughout the whole show! (she explains why on the show). We chatted with her about nutrition in general, detoxing, or cleansing as she prefers to call it, supplements, caffeine, gluten free and much much more.

2015 – JANUARY

Show 91 – January 26th Today’s show explored the topic of Winter Health and Wellbeing. Hear what Kankku (off-road driving in the Lake District), MoreThanYoga and Ayurveda Pura all have in common. Do tweet us/facebook your Winter health tips or questions for us on this topic. Stay warm and well.

Show 90 – January 19th What a giggle we had with our guest, Life and Laughter Coach, Caroline Hart. Hear why laughter changed her life and how you could join her laughter clubs or perhaps contact her for some coaching to be the “best you, you can be”. If you run creative/social workshops why not join the mailing list for Caroline’s latest venture, Creative and Social.

Show 89 – January 12th Happy New Year to you all. Our first show with us back in the studio chatting with our guest, Hazel Addley all about New Year’s Resolutions/Goals, tips on how to set them, why they may not last and what to do about it.