WhoCaresWins-LogoWelcome to the
Who Cares Wins Radio Show

Who Cares Wins Radio explores a range of topics concerning Health and Wellbeing from many perspectives. The show is hosted by Angela Brier-Stephenson – Mind & Body Coach along with other guest presenters and of course great guests who share their stories and helpful hints and tips on Health and Wellbeing. If you care about yourself, your staff or your clients this is the show for you.




pauseiconAngela is currently on a sabbatical from LIVE shows until the Autumn of 2016.  In the meantime, do listen back from the many shows we’ve aired, all available under our “Radio Show Archives” tab above.





Our Last live show featured: TAL - CMYK Logo with registered mark

Back in January, Angela met a delightful “mum” at The Wrinkly Roadshow who was covering her daughters’ stand, The Able Label. Angela caught an interview (which you can listen back to ) and on April 11th, Katie Ellis (the daughter and owner) joined Angela in the studio to share her story as to why she set up her business and who it helps.

To keep up with all the latest news and to contact us, why not follow us on Twitter, Facebook or email us.
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Support the fabulous charity Erbs Palsy Group UK.


Lisa Settle’s Cycle Challenge for Charity – to ride from Vietnam to Cambodia (280 miles)LisaMarieSettle LisaMarieSettleFriend

Want to feel good by supporting a great lady who is training for a great challenge? Then sponsor Lisa-Marie Settle, who is cycling from Vietnam to Cambodia (280 miles) in November to raise money for 3 fabulous charities, namely: Breast Cancer Care, Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust and Ovarian Cancer Action

Would you like to be a guest?

If you have a story that would inspire others and/or you work in the field of Health & Wellbeing please email us, studio[at]whocareswinsradio.co.uk with the subject heading “Appear”

Would you like to sponsor a show?

If you would like to sponsor a show please email us, studio[at]whocareswinsradio.co.uk with subject heading “Sponsor”

“Who Cares Wins” is fun and informative.